Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What is it like being Sleeved?

March 13th, 2012 I was officially "sleeved." I went in to have a weight loss surgery called Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or VSG for short. They take out 80% of my stomach and leave a sleeve like portion. I jumped through hoops to get to this point. I thought I was going to have the surgery around Thanksgiving time but I was way off! I had to have back to back, consecutive 6 month diet from my doctor. Mind you I had every other month in the year of 2010 after I had my son. Nope, doesn't count! So I had to re-do it all over again. So from September to February I went in and weighed at my doctors office and had him fill out a special sheet I found online. That way the insurance company had everything! I also had to attend a consultation, pre-admission testing, and a nutrition class. I was given a date! I remember February 3rd when they called and told me! I was so excited, I was finally going to get the correct help in changing my life forever.
Before my 2 week pre-op liquid diet, I had food funerals! As in, eat everything you could before you couldn't again!!! I had candy, ice cream, chicken wings, Chinese, pizza, burgers, loads of stuff. I gained 10 more pounds! Looking back I wish I would have ate the things in moderation and not gained so much. Because that's 10 more pounds I had to lose. Then I started my 2 week liquids. I had these protein shakes and i had to drink 5 of them a day. I only drank 4. There was no way I could drink 5! I was also allowed light broths, jello, Popsicles, water, and zero calorie drinks. I cheated, I'm human. I had pickles to keep me sane, I had pizza one night! It was so tough. But I lost 11 pounds those 2 weeks.
I then had surgery! Painful? Not as much as I would have thought actually. Gas pain was horrible, it was in my chest! But walking helped with that. The first 24 hours are the toughest in my opinion. I believe my surgery was an easy one and I felt wonderful after a couple of days. When you are ok to be on clear liquids after surgery it's so crazy. You're scared to drink anything. Any little sip I took would create bubbles and it was tough. The funniest part was trying to sip on my liquid Vicodin. My mom giggled at me because I would take a sip and set it down and then stare at it like it was the devil. Oh and there as less than an ounce in that cup! As the days went on I was able to drink thinks quicker but eating was a whole new thing to learn.
I was on full liquids when I got home. Which consisted of all my clear liquids, my protein shakes, cottage cheese, cream soups, yogurts, and puddings. I had to follow that for 2 weeks. And my new little stomach could only hold 1oz. That's it. 2 tbls equal one ounce. After full liquids I was cleared for "mushies" I lived off of Greek Yogurt, re fried beans, cream cheese, string cheese, chili, and some eggs. Today I was cleared for "soft" foods. I can have canned tuna, canned chicken, tortillas (thank goodness!) and other soft things.
I can't eat much. Every day is different. Some days I feel I could down a huge bacon cheeseburger, when others I feel like if I eat anything I might barf. Some days I love food, some days it's a chore to eat.
Do I feel normal? Hell no. I have moments where I break down and cry because I can't eat something my husband can or enjoy eating like I used to. But I know in time I will be able to eat normal, normal as in the correct portion sizes, not half of a large pizza.
Do I regret having this surgery? NO! I love my new sleeved stomach. I have lost 33lbs to date! I am not even a month out yet, that includes my 11lbs as well. So ok since surgery I have lost 22lbs! That is fantastic in my eyes! I've lost a pant size and feel better. I can't wait to see what happens in the next month.

Oh I am having a low carb tortilla pizza tonight for the first time! I will take pictures and post. I will also post recipes! Have a great day!!

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